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Tangayinka's Beauties [Iwacu] – Tio'tiàh:ke, Adawe and Tkaronto

Umurundikazi (a Burundian woman) in her native hill, having on her head Igiseke/Agaseke (traditional basket). She's carrying on her back an infant who looks in the direction of the photographer. She is also in the presence of a Burundian man (Umurundi) armed with a spear and leading a herd of sacred cows.

"The German colonizers, who were the first Europeans to enter the Great Lakes region studied with a colonial view the Peoples of Uburundi and Urwanda and the different organizations that existed within these Nations, including the famous Ubwoko (Amoko in the plural) servant to designate the Tutsis, Hutus and Twas. The Germans having lost the First European War a.k.a World War I, their successors the Belgians, exacerbated these notions by a deep destructuring of the societies of Uburundi and Urwanda by transforming in a clever way and to their advantage the notion of Ubwoko by passing them off as ethnic groups. However, ethnic groups do not exist in our nations, we refer to it in terms of clan as Mwazulu Diyabanza mentioned so well in one of his videos. The apogee of this mental colonization reached its climax on April 6, 1994 with the respective assassinations of the Rwandan president Juvénal Habyarimana and the Burundian president Cyprien Ntaryamira. One of these deaths having provoked the genocide perpetrated against the Tutsis in Urwanda. Do people often wonder how this genocide impacted the Tutsis, Hutus and Twas of Uburundi? The question remains and for my part, if we had only wanted to justify the killing in Urwanda we would have been content to eliminate only the Rwandan president, but it turns out that the Burundian president was on the same plane which was the target of an attack. So what was the intended impact in Burundi with the death of the country's greatest authority figure (Umukuru W'Igihugu) if not to sow chaos? I know some will say that Uburundi and Urwanda should not be considered one people and one nation. Admittedly, I agree that there are traditional and linguistic elements that differ (I specify that these are only slight differences, I can assure you of that). Our people are interconnected with the divine source, the vital energy and the Cosmos that all and all were recognized under the name of Imana. It was therefore not surprising that the colonizers were relentless in eradicating all traces of the Cult of Kiranga-Ryangombe"

Kugaruka, quote from the article: Imana and the Cult of Kiranga–Ryangombe [Uburundi ∞ Urwanda]


Pronouncing on the Great Lakes Region requires having a finesse of mind, an expressive delicacy in the words and the formulation of the sentences, because tackling the thorny questions which concern the Peoples of Uburundi-Urwanda cannot be done without waking up the specters of the past linked to the genocide of the Tutsis. I will speak as a Girl from Burundi because of my maternal affiliation (My mother would be shocked to read this. She is convinced that she gave birth to a boy, who supposed to be a boy in the mind too). My paternal heritage made me a Son of Faso having grown up in Yahmessou [Ivory Coast] with an effective and unambiguous and understanding of Kirundi-Kinyarwanda, my native tongue. My national identity is fundamentally Yahmessou (Ivorian), with genes from the Land of Upright Men; in French (Patrie des Hommes Intègres) and a strong genetic memory of the Great Lakes.


Kim Ninkuru, February 18 2017 © Noire Mouliom

I met Kim Ninkuru in Season IV (2014) at a party which was the continuation of another party I had been invited to by Two-Spirited Kalinago (Dylan Apollin Bonfils), whom I met by through the Virgin Empress (Dushime). As above, so below, you still have the demonstrative force of coincidences, synchronicities and serialities. You have to know one thing with Kim Ninkuru, she does not go unnoticed. We can see her from our native hills of Burundi-Rwanda (Iwacu). Recognizable by her size, slender/tall body and abundant hair. She is also distinguished by her beauty, her natural charm, her elegance, her charisma and her brilliance of spirit. You know, she's rather reserved and with my overexcited, atypical personality and my way of being restless, it seemed extravagant and unconventional to her. She was majestic in my presence while complimenting me (in Kirundi-Kinyrwanda) on my very attractive physique, my personality and the originality of my style of dress. Kim Ninkuru is a Consecrated Artist who wants to shine through her existence as a Beauty of the Great Lakes and Guardians of the Gates.

Tangayinka* is the original name of Lake Tanganyika which was distorted during colonization. It means in Kirundi-Kinyrwanda: "Give Water to the Cows"


Kugaruka Nsoromma, November, 2019 © Odile Silva

My mother very often told me that you had to be wary of Burundians-Rwandans, she strongly advised me not to frequent them, if that happened I had to be careful and of course it was forbidden to approach political subjects because we did not know what was hidden in the Heart - Seat of the Soul & Conscience, of everyone if ever by naivety, I had dared to reveal the true nature of my feelings, my opinions and of my beliefs. (I believe that almost all Burundians-Rwandans who will read me have received the same warning and acting accordingly). I met a panoply of Beauties of the Great Lakes and almost, all of these encounters resulted in the drama of which, I willingly admit having been mainly the instigator by my impertinence, the virulence of my remarks, my intransigence and my frankness Yahmessou (Ivorian) which was disconcertingly brutal for them. I would like to solemnly apologize to those I have not yet had the opportunity to see again, to tell them in person and make amends as I have been able to do for some of them. Why so many repetitions and conflicts with these Beauties of the Great Lakes? You can easily guess, the answer lies in the family context in which I grew up and where I was in an almost permanent relationship conflict with my mother and in a half-fig/half-grape dynamic with my sister.

Mirror – I cheerfully transposed to them without knowing it, this toxicity which I was strongly imprinted on, because of the negative influence of my immediate environment.

The Beauties of the Great Lakes represented the fragmented mirrors of a part of my soul with which I had to compose. When each of these mirrors was in my presence, it accentuated my flaws or exalted my qualities.

Not having understood at the time, the workings of celestial mechanics and having a misunderstanding of the cosmos and the rules that govern its functioning. I could not understand that each of these interactions was for me an opportunity to clean up my relationships with others by building powerful Sparkling Friendships as was the case with the Saint. Beauty of the Cosmos composed of the Original Magician (Kazobinka), the Virgin Empress (Dushime) & the Cosmic Mâjintà (Kugaruka). About this trio, we will come back to it later in the last section of this article.

Sacred Feminine Energy – The Beauties of the Great Lakes were also the mirror of another kemetic essence that characterizes me: my Telluric Force, which resides in my Sacred Feminine Energy. You should know that almost all of these Beauties have aligned themselves with their predominant polarity: Androgyny, which has given rise to their primarly polarity. Which is: I'm going to simplify this for you in LGBTQIA+ language, it means that they went from box G to Q to position themselves in T). The message that the divine cosmos sent to me through them was to agree to bring out this femininity which was a prisoner of the diktat of society not wanting to accept that femininity could conceive of another femininity so that it would manifest and thrives in a male body. In reality, the Beauties of the Lakes were unconsciously reminding me of my lack of inner harmony and celestial alignment with my Sacred Feminine Energy.


Kugaruka Nsoromma, Kazobinka and Igikomangoma, March 02, 2016

Adawe – The Beauties of Adawe (Ottawa) discovered a part of my cosmic thought during my visit to the Capitale-Nationale on the occasion of the Winter Pride taking place from February 06 to 09, 2019. The Empress Virgin (Dushime) and the Cosmic Mâjintà (Kugaruka) had decided to support The Original Magician (Kazobinka). She had been invited as a speaker by Davy-Anthony Sabourin who was part of the organizing committee. When we arrived, Roselyn, Feza, Tyler Karanja (Taïb's brother), and Gatogato had joined us in the hotel room. I had the conviction and the assurance that I had to transmit to them one of the messages for which I had been mandated by the Divine Cosmos and which concerned the Androgynous Kemitic Souls (I know that by reading this, it looks like that I am a Great Prophetess - Laughs). For your information, I had held my very first private conference on the Guardians of the Gates on Friday, December 07, 2018 in the presence of the 7 Stars of the Constellation (Henri, Swan, Dushime, Toshiro, Kazobinka & Kugaruka) with the exception of Kalinago who was not present that day. As for my first public conference, it was held on August 10, 2021 in the presence of my The Sacred-Queen Mother Mahara (my mother), my Friend-Sister-Star Toshiro, Ans Stéphane Tano, Esther-Léa Ledoux (former President of Montreal Pride Festival) and other guests. So, before going to Adawe, I had decided to take Sobonfu Somé's book with me because I knew it would be relevant to talk about it with them. Indeed, my intuition turned out to be right, after discussions around a few drinks and laughter, I had undertaken to read chapter 13 which was dedicated to us with the agreement of all the assistance. I was delighted with the discussion that had closed the reading of this chapter and the way each had been edified by their facial expressions of amazement.

Tkaronto – One of the Beauties of Tkaronto (Toronto) who was introduced to the Cosmic Mâjintà (me) through The Virgin Empress (Dushime), was Sizwe Ishema. His/Her very reserved nature and his/her remarkable intelligence make him/her a person inclined towards observation. Again, Season IX (2019), proved to be a breakthrough for the members of Saint.Beauty of Cosmos. As part of the Pride festivities taking place in June in Tkaronto, we went as a quartet Toshiro, Dushime, Kazobinka and Kugaruka. When I arrived at Union Station, I was greeted by Taïb Karanja (Tyler's brother) and The Original Magician (Kazobinka). The days we spent in this city were memorable. Between extravaganza, kongossa (noisy conversations about people's life), chic outfits, chance encounters, machofucker as far as I'm concerned. The energy we deployed marked the Beauties of Adawe and Tkaronto who found us crazy and restless asking themselves the question of why we were so dramatic.

Tio’tià:ke – The Beauties of Tio’tia:ke (Montreal) are the ones that marked me the most. Saint.Beauty of Cosmos is undoubtedly the group of souls who have invested, as much in the Shadow as in the Light, my heart, my soul and my spirit. In my article entitled: The Psychic Anteriority of our Memorial Joy & of our Painful Memories, I wrote this: "One of the most beautiful moments of my life occurred during Season VI (2016) in the company of Saint. Beauty of Cosmos composed at the time of Kazobinka, Dushime & Kugaruka. We were at Dushime's flat on Chemin Queen-Mary, she had concocted tasty dishes for us and welcomed us for an evening that turned out to be memorable. I remember this magical evening because of the strong feeling of joy that I felt by the presence of these blessed and well-loved souls despite appearances. This very rare emotion unfolded in my rosy heart and bloomed in my lyrical soul in the form of a Strange Bliss". We have marked this city and more particularly the Kemit (black) communities by our presence, our aura, our speeches, our positions, our vision of the Kemetic world, our style of dress, our femininity, our way of approaching the situations that presented themselves to us in solo, in duo, as in trio. Each of us has been confronted with contempt, indifference, ostracism, rivalry, internal wars, the poison of authoritarianism, treachery, concealment, lying and manipulation. Which contributed to the dissolution of the Saint.Beauty of the Cosmos and the dislocation of the 7 Stars of the Constellation. I know that these painful events have hovered over each of us. I also know that all of this contributes to something much bigger than us and for which we will have the answers when everyone has accomplished or is in the process of accomplishing their destiny according to their Inner Gifts & Natural Talents.

All Kugaruka's writings are legally protected in terms of Intellectual Property and Copyright.

© Kugaruka

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