Kugaruka is governed by The Constellation of Nsoromma, a group of 7 stars, which guides him/her in the fulfillment of his/her destiny through the use of his/her Gifts and Talents.
His/Her role as intercessor – through his/her Golden Feather, Oratory Art and Artistic Genius – is placed under the sign of Sankofa, an Adinkra symbol of the Kemetic People and the Ashanti Nation referring to the ability to learn from the past in order to articulate the present and adequately guide the future.
As an Oracle & Cosmic Messenger, he/she must transmit they knowledge while being aware of the cosmic heritage of his/her ancestors.
Magnificence in his/her singularity and as awareness-raiser in his/her writings, words and appearance. His/Her identity is aligned with the sacred mission linked to his/her incarnation.
One of its particularities is to be aware of the power of words and the considerable impact they can have in others, hence the particular attention given to their selection.
One aspect of his/her uniqueness lies in his/her ability to sense what is hidden through deep contemplation.
Divine Providence
Having been born as a superstar, he/she becomes aware that his/her protective guides manifest themselves constantly and recurrently in his/her journey as an Androgynous Kemetic Soul.
Saint. Beauty of Cosmos
His/Her position as an Intercessor between Women and Men & as a Guardians of the Gates between the Cosmos and Humans, gives him/her access to the Doors of the Invisible World and the necessary keys allowing him/her to deliver his/her message with Integrity and Authenticity.